Legal Counseling/Representation
Programs that are staffed by lawyers who offer information and guidance regarding legal matters, included are lawyer referral lines and arbitration services.
County operated facilities that are used for the secure detention of people who have been charged with violating a state law or a municipal or local ordinance. Included are juvenile detention facilities and programs that help those recently released make a successful transition to community life.
Programs that provide assistance for people who are involved in disputes or legal actions which affect their domestic relationships. Included are rograms that provide a neutral third person who is acceptable to all parties to a dispute who facilitates discussion between the parties and aids them in making their own settlement decisions.
Programs that provide information and guidance for tenants who need to know their rights and responsibilities regarding leases and rental agreements, deposits, legal eviction procedures, measures to protect themselves from unlawful or retaliatory evictions, rent withholding rights, rent control requirements, privacy rights and other issues that may be of particular interest to tenants.
Programs that assist in filing petitions by aliens who are seeking admission to the United States. Included are programs that assist victims of certain crimes who have suffered physical or mental abuse and organizations that administer the immigration and naturalization laws.
Programs that provide assistance which helps to ensure that parents fulfill their mutual obligation to financially support and provide health care for their children. Included are services for people to establish paternity; establish a child support order; request that the non-custodial parent provide health insurance for a child; change or dispute a child support award; or enforce payment of child support monies in cases where the supporting parent is delinquent in paying or refuses to pay or make health insurance arrangements altogether.