Homeless Shelters and Drop-In Centers
Programs that provide a temporary place to stay (usually three days to two weeks), generally in dormitory-style facilities with very little privacy, for people who have no permanent housing. Also included are drop-in centers where homeless people can have access to a variety of services i.e. showers, mail, phones, food, clothing etc.
Programs that provide temporary shelter/residential care for infants and children who are at risk for or who have experienced child abuse or neglect in the home or whose families are experiencing an emergency that makes it untenable for the child to remain in the home.
Programs that make rental or in special circumstances mortgage payments for people who are at risk of eviction or losing their homes without assistance. Rent/mortgage payment assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements. Included are programs that provide cash grants for people who are in the process of acquiring rental housing and who can handle the monthly rental payments, but who do not have the assets to pay the deposit to move in.
Programs that assign a staff member to assist people who are looking for housing to survey the available residences and to choose and obtain the most suitable option. Included are programs that maintain low income housing lists available by phone or online for downloads.
Housing Authorities and Subsidized Housing
Programs that maintain lists of available rental housing either privately owned or federally-supported, tenant based housing program administered by local housing authorities for review by people who are in search of housing. Housing developments or single family dwellings that are owned and managed by local housing authorities and rented to program eligible individuals and families, including older adults and people with disabilities.
Runaway and Domestic Violence Shelters
Programs that provide temporary emergency shelter or living arrangments for children and youth who have been neglected, abused, who have run away from or have been pushed out of their homes or who are acting out and at risk for abuse pending return. Included are programs that provide temporary emergency shelter for women who have experienced domestic violence/abuse, and for their children.