Health centers, clinics, departments within hospitals, and other facilities that provide walk-in, walk-out diagnostic and treatment services for people whose care does not require confinement or a hospital stay.
Programs that provide primary and preventive dental care for patients of all ages. Programs offer diagnosis, treatment, management and overall coordination of specialized services related to the patient's oral health needs. Included are pediatric and cosmetic dentistry.
Programs that offer information and guidance for people who need assistance in selecting appropriate health insurance coverage and which may also answer questions about health insurance benefits and help people complete insurance forms.
Hospitals and Emergency Services
Hospitals and other health care facilities that provide 24-hour diagnostic and treatment services for people who have acute, life-threatening injuries or severe illnesses. Included are trauma centers and city or county-operated health care facilities.
Programs that develop plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of age, illness, disability or other difficulties, need assistance in planning and arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan.
Programs that provide pregnancy testing or medical care for expectant mothers from the time of conception to the onset of labor to ensure their own physical well-being and the healthy development and birth of their child. Included are programs staffed by nurses or other trained professionals or volunteers that provide prenatal/postnatal home visits.
Programs that provide comprehensive treatment services on a residential, outpatient or day treatment basis for pregnant women who have a substance use disorder, women who are parenting children, generally age three or younger, and/or women who have babies who were exposed to drugs and/or alcohol during pregnancy.
Programs that conduct a series of tests which measure an individual's visual acuity, identify refractive errors that cause poor vision and check for eye diseases; and prescribe corrective lenses in situations where there are vision problems. Included are programs that pay the optometric or ophthalmologic bills of people who are unable to obtain necessary eye care without assistance.