Programs that link individuals who are in need of alternative living arrangements with appropriate private family homes that are licensed to provide foster care care for dependent children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse, neglect or abandonment. Included are programs that provide reunification supportive services, adoption and foster/kinship care support groups and supervised living for older youth.
Programs that identify and enlist individuals and couples who are willing to provide a permanent home and new legal parentage for children who have been relinquished for adoption; providing guidance, support, requirements and procedure information, including kinship care or special needs adoption.
Programs that provide assistance which helps to ensure that parents fulfill their mutual obligation to financially support and provide health care for their children. Included are services for people to establish paternity; establish a child support order; request that the non-custodial parent provide health insurance for a child; change or dispute a child support award; or enforce payment of child support monies in cases where the supporting parent is delinquent in paying or refuses to pay or make health insurance arrangements altogether.
Organizations that support, protect, educate and promote the rights and interests of LGBTQQI individuals included are multipurpose centers that serve as a meeting place, support groups, counseling and helplines.
Organizations that provide education, supportive services as well as comprehensive social services for individuals younger than age 18. Included are programs that offer youth centers, youth issues lines, adolescent mobile psychiatric response, immediate assistance to runaway youth and juvenile diversion/substance abuse services.